Congrats 2021 Grads!

The Karstens lab members have continued to make progress towards wrapping up their studies in 2021. DMICE BCB Masters students Eric Leung and Dan Fischer completed their programs. Eric’s thesis focused on applying novel network-based methods to 16S rRNA gene sequencing data to better understand the contribution of the urinary and vaginal microbiomes to urgency urinary incontinence. Dan completed a capstone/internship at the Institute for Systems Biology, also looking into novel applications of network-based approaches to understand multi-omic data. Our second EXITO scholar, Emory Neer, graduated this year! Her EXITO project explored expanding colorblind accessible color palettes to include more colors and how to apply these colors to make microbiome data visualizations more accessible. This work provided the basis for the microshades package that our group released this year. CONGRATS ALL!

Karstens Lab
Microbiome Bioinformatics

The Karstens Lab studies the human microbiome and its relationship to health and disease.