Added a file to track changes to the package.
microshades 1.11
Major change: default behavior updated to NOT remove NAs during agglomeration step, see Remove NA vignette. To remove NAs / replicate figures generated with microshades 1.10 are earlier, use remove_na = TRUE in the prep_mdf function.
Feature Added: Custom legends can now be displayed below the plot instead of along the right hand side. For details, see issue #17
Fixed minor issues detailed in pull request 23 -removing deprecated functions, updating dependencies, etc.
microshades 1.12
Minor change: Updated vignettes for clarity, added custom legend vignette
Resolved warnings from dplyr and cowplot
Fixed median barplot in plot_contributions
Added dependencies = TRUE in install instructions
microshades 1.13
Minor change: Added functionality to reorder_samples_by to allow a user to pass in a list to reorder samples
Updated Human Microbiome Project 2 vignette to demonstrate changes to reorder_samples_by
Renamed Human Microbiome Project 2 vignette to Sample Reordering for clarity to users