microshades palettesAccess the microshades color palettes |
List of palettes |
List of CVD palettes |
Microshades sequential color shading palette accessor |
Return default hex colors |
Apply microshades to phyloseq objectsFunctions for using microshades advanced color organization on phyloseq objects. |
Prepare melted phyloseq object to map colors to |
Generates abundance sorted data frame and a color palette data frame |
Reorder the samples or stacked group levels by abundance |
Apply the color factoring from one cdf to a different melted data frame |
Reassign the microshades colors to different groups |
Extends the number of subgroups shown for one particular group by adding additional colors. |
Plot microshades objectsFunctions plotting microshades organized objects. |
Plot the mdf created with the microshades package |
Creates median and mean abundance barplots, and boxplots for microshades taxa contribution plots keeping colors consistent in the microshades stacked barplots |
Create a custom legend |