This function can be used to access the microshades palette desired. Each palette contains a base color paired with lighter versions of the base color.
microshades_palette(name, n, lightest = TRUE)
Name of desired palette. Choices are:
, micro_brown
, micro_green
, micro_blue
, micro_purple
, micro_cvd_brown
, micro_cvd_green
, micro_cvd_blue
, micro_cvd_purple
Number of colors desired. Palettes contain 5 shades If omitted, uses all colours.
logical, if user requests n < 5 it will reutrn n lightest shades if TRUE. If FALSE, it will return n darkest shades
A microshades palette of colors.
Use this function to get the values needed to set the manual color values when applying to different plots
microshades_palette("micro_orange", 3, lightest = FALSE)